We Need Your Help this Christmas!

South Shore Staffing is partnering with Father Bill’s & Mainspring to bring holiday cheer to many families in need this Christmas and we need your help! We are collecting items ranging from clothing to games to gift cards in hopes of lighting up Christmas morning for struggling families. Below is a Holiday Wish List we received from Father Bill’s & Mainspring (FBMS), a great organization that provides emergency shelter, housing and supportive services in the South Shore area and helps people struggling with homelessness or at-risk of homelessness to achieve self-sufficiency. We would like to fulfill as many requests from this Wish List as possible this year in the memory of South Shore Staffing’s founder, Ed McDaid. FBMS was an organization that Ed supported and we know he would appreciate all of our efforts.


Help a Family this Christmas!


Are you interested in giving back this holiday season?  How about donating a gift to Father Bill’s and Mainspring to help one of the many local families in need?

FBMS will be accepting new, unwrapped gifts between now and December 18th. 

Donations can be dropped off at our office in Canton (12 Forge Pond) or we’ll gladly arrange to pick them up at your office anytime between now and 12/18. Contact Natalie for more details: nchandler@southshorestaffing.com.


Below is holiday wish list from a few families in need this Christmas. We’d love if you could help us reach our goal of making their holiday special this year!


2013 Holiday Wish List


Board Games

Remote Control Cars

Game Stop Gift Cards

Toy Trucks and Toy Cars

Boys clothing, sizes 12-14 and 6-7

Boys scarves

Boys shoes, sizes 2 and 4


Girl clothes, hats and gloves, size 4T

Girl’s boots, size 7

Girl snowsuit, size 4T

Learning games for toddlers


Toy Phone

Baby Dolls


Always Appreciated

Gift Cards: Wal-Mart, Shaw’s, CVS, Best Buy, etc.

Wrapping Paper, Ribbon, Gift Bags, Tape

Toiletries Gift Sets

BAT Cards
