Looking to give back this holiday season?

As the holidays quickly approach, we’re teaming up again with a great organization, Father Bill’s & MainSpring (FBMS) to bring joy to families in need this Christmas and we need your help.

The “Holiday Hope” program is designed to help ease some of the stresses of the holidays for participants in Father Bill’s & MainSpring’s programs. Currently they are providing shelter for almost 120 families and 220 individuals nightly. They also provide permanent supportive housing for hundreds more.

FBMS is seeking assistance supplying gifts that their shelter and housing participants can “shop” for as well as supplying gift wrapping materials. This provide an opportunity for generous donors like you to spread holiday cheer, while giving participants, particularly parents, the ability to take an active role in holiday planning for their children.

Below is a wish list of items that are always in need, and you can also visit their Amazon Holiday Wish List to choose items and have them shipped to FBMS’s location for distribution.

Donations can be dropped off at our office in Canton (12 Forge Pond) or we’ll gladly arrange to pick them up at your office anytime between now and 12/19. Contact Natalie for more details: nchandler@southshorestaffing.com.


2014 Holiday Wish List (Please note, FBMS can only accept NEW items!)

For Families:
Infant & Baby Onesies
Infant, Baby and Children Winter Wear
Dolls & Action Figures
Cars & Trucks
Building and Imaginative Toy Sets
Twin Comforter Sets (children)
Full & Queen Comforter Sets
Pots & Pans

For Individuals:
Hats & Gloves
Sweatshirts & Sweatpants
Duffle Bags/Back Packs
Compact Sleeping Bags
Men’s & Women’s Thermal Shirts and Pants
Twin Sheet Sets
Men’s & Women’s Slippers

Always Appreciated:
Gift Cards: Wal-Mart, Shaw’s, Shop & Shop, Family Dollar, CVS, Best Buy, etc.
Wrapping Paper, Ribbon, Gift Bags, Tape
Toiletries Gift Sets
BAT Cards
