Ready, set, GO!! Let’s get ready for that JOB INTERVIEW!!!


You have a job interview?     AWESOME!!

Step into my “office”.

Let’s chat!

             Chances are this is going to be a face-to-face interview.


Exciting! The interview is on your calendar…. Now the PREP WORK begins!

That excitement can quickly turn into STRESS, as an actual interview is now REALITY!

PREPARATION is the key to slaying the interview with the CONFIDENCE to sell yourself as the super-star you are!

Let’s get going…

RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!  Find out as much information as you can about the company on their website, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, social media…. This kind of knowledge will give you the confidence to ask a pointed question or engage in current conversation with your interviewer.

Now that you know so much about the company, it’s time to really sell yourself.  Re-read the job description.  Use the information you learned, along with the key attributes and requirements, to sell yourself directly into a job offer!

Next, getting dressed and heading out the door on the big day….

FIRST IMPRESSIONS are important!

Be professionally dressed and arrive early.  Check your navigation sites and choose the most time-effective route.  Plan for a good night sleep and plenty of time to be ready mentally and physically…and don’t forget some COFFEE!

Be positive and tell yourself, YOU’VE GOT THIS!”



~If you find yourself in need of new employees, or want to start your own job search, give us a call at 781-575-0500 or visit our website, and click on the employer page or jobs listing page.






