Category: In the Know

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in the Staffing Industry: Transforming the Way We Hire
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in the Staffing Industry: Transforming the Way We Hire The staffing industry is undergoing a revolutionary transformation, driven by the

Black History Month
Remembering Black History Month on the South Shore February 4, 2022 In the Know With February school vacation beginning soon, we know many of you

Should you write a cover letter?
Recently, over 7,000 LinkedIn followers reacted to a simple yet provocative poll question from Hoxo Media’s Joel Lalgee: Is a cover letter worthless? Of those

Ways to reduce eye strain at work during Healthy Vision Month
Though most of us have been working on a computer for years, the amount of time we have spent in the last 14 months staring

12 ways to celebrate Employee Spirit Month
If there’s any year when we should be celebrating March’s Employee Spirit Month, it is 2021. It’s been such a long and trying year of

A very personal reason for our commitment to engineering staffing (and to recruiting more women into the field)
We have a very personal reason for loving today’s Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day which falls during DiscoverE Engineers Week to build awareness for